Useful information

Currency, shopping, driving, health, documentation…

Along this section you are going to find all the information you need to know before setting off to Aragón, from shops and banks opening hours to distances and transports from town to town.



If you belong to an EU country, you should bear your current passport or nationality document. In other case, or if you are bringing along your pet, please check this link.


What about moving around? Transports

Saragosse (Zaragoza) is the capital of Aragón, and its privileged location will allow you, in no more than 300 km, to get connected with Spain’s main cities: Barcelona, Madrid, Bilbao and Valencia. Inside Aragón, Zaragoza is roughly 74 km away from Huesca to the north and 171 from Teruel, to the south.

Renfe is the train service company operating all over Spain, which offers short services to small towns as well as long distance services. If your choice is the AVE (ultra-high speed trains), you will reach Madrid or Barcelona from Saragosse in roughly and hour and a half.

Another option is travelling by coach from town to town. Main coach companies (Ágreda, Alosa, Alsa, Hife, Autobuses Jiménez o Therpasa, among others) will lead you to different destinations in and out of Aragón.

Links to each provincial capital bus station:

Renting a car is a good option to driving off the beaten track, getting to visit scarcely populated areas and small picturesque villages. This will allow you to take the most of your visit to Aragón. Booking in advance is highly recommendable, in any of the companies operating in the main cities. Most of them provide wide opening hours at bus stations and Zaragoza Airport as well.


Public transport

You can perfectly move around the main towns in public transport (buses). The service is in order from 6-7 am until 23-24 pm. In Saragosse, furthermore, tram service is available with a similar timetable to the bus service.

Useful links:


Currency and tips


In Spain, along with other EU State members, Euro is the oficial currency. You can take cash with your card at most ATM’s (althoug we highly recommend you check availability in our region). Payment with card is also accepted in most shops. To do so, Passport or ID document must be shown.


In Spain, pocket money tips are not legally statued, since shops and hotels include the whole service in the price or the invoice. Anyway, in some activities such as taxis and restaurants tips are considered as a thumb-up or a thankful gesture.


Health and emergency assistance

If you are an EU resident, EHC (European Health Card) will entitle you to receive health assistance in Spain. In other case, please ask to your Embassy for specific information, by clicking on this link.

In case of emergency, free and 24/7 available 112 phone number should be dialed. This service coordinates every health, security and rescue services. We remind you that this is NOT an information number, and its misuse could make the service inefficient.



In Spain, ordinary voltage is 230 V and frequency is at 50 Hz. Power screws and plugs are type F (2 power screws continental). Please check this information according to your country specifications, because travelers coming from UK, Australia and all American countries are most likely to need an adapter device.


Holidays in Aragón 2024

Opening Hours

Banks branches

Banks’ branches opening times are commonly from Monday to Friday, opening at 8.15am and closing at 14.15pm. They are also opened on Thursdays from 16.45 to 19.15 pm except for the summer season.

Post Offices

Mostly, from Monday to Friday, from 8.30am to 14.30pm and from 16.30 to 20pm. Service is also provided on Saturday morning from 9.30am to 13pm. Opening times may vary in some places, so a prior checking on their website is recommendable.  


Large shops and supermarkets are commonly opened from Monday to Saturday from 10am to 20pm. Shopping centres or malls close even later, at 22pm. Most small shops are closed at Spanish lunch time (14pm to 17pm). Our laws allow ordinary shops to open on ten Sundays all along the year.

Pubs and Restaurants

Pubs and cafés are mainly opened from 8am to 24pm, and most restaurants offer meal service from 13pm, and again from 20pm.


Their opening times may vary, but they are mostly opened from 10am and are usually closed on Mondays.



Spain (except for the Canary Islands) is located in Central European Time, along with the main continental countries (CET), UTC+1.


When visiting Aragón?

Since Aragón is a vast territory, nearly 50,000 km, this originates a great diversity in terms of geography, climate and landscapes, allowing to enjoy different touristic resources along the year.

In winter, you can feel the snow, migrating birds and of course Christmas with its nice atmosphere. In spring, we invite you to step into wildlife, springing colours and water, or to live intensely Easter, its religious parades and music, deeply carved into the Drums Route (Ruta del Tambor y el Bombo). In summer, dare yourself to practice active tourism, getting cool in one of our numerous rivers or just lay down to watch the stars. In autumn, unveil at every step the streets, corners and heritage in our villages and towns, letting yourself taste their famous and typical cuisine. And, above all, don’t miss how tree leaves change colours in the woods because… it’s just amazing.



Honorary Consulate of Germany
Paseo Independencia 34, entresuelo izda.
50004 Zaragoza – España
Tel: (+34) 976 30 26 66

Honorary Consulate of Equador
Paseo de la Independencia 19, 8º A
50004 Zaragoza – España
Tel: (+34) 976 30 26 16

Honorary Consulate of France
C/ Josefa Amar y Borbón 5, pral. B
50001 Zaragoza – España
Tel: (+34) 976 21 69 17

Honorary Vice-consulate of Italy
C/ Espoz y Mina 6, pral.
50003 Zaragoza – España
Tel: (+34) 976 22 86 59

Honorary Consulate of Mexico
C/ Jose Luis Albareda 6, esc. dcha. 7º F
CP: 50004 Zaragoza – España
Tel: (+34) 666 555 848

Consulate of Romania
Camino de las Torres, 24
CP: 50008 Zaragoza – España
Tel: (+34) 976 48 14 29

See full list of diplomatic consulates in Saragosse/ Zaragoza