Hecho and Ansó valleys

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If you are looking for 100% nature, charming traditional villages and the chance to practice sport in a remarkable frame, valleys in northwestern Aragón are your best choice.

Fotografo-zaragoza Fotografo-zaragoza Fotografo-zaragoza Ansó-Fiestadeltrajeansotano Domen de Aguas Tuertas – Huesca Ansó

Near the border to Navarre you will find Ansó. One of this two impressive defiles, either ‘Foz de Biniés’ or ‘Fago-Majones’, need crossing through to reach this beautiful village. You will find both overwhelming.  

Once in Ansó, while walking down their cobblestones streets you can check how well kept its old part is. It is one of those villages which have been able to perfectly preserve their singular traits, e.g. their distinctive typical dress. Would you like to see closer how beautiful they are? Come over to the Ansotan Dress Museum, ‘Museo del Traje Ansotano’ hosted in this village. Or, even better, visit it on the last Sunday of August, when the Ansotan Typical Dress contest is held, in a colourful celebration declared of Touristic National Interest.

Zuriza’s forest (Selva de Zuriza) spreads deep in the valley, with its large woods of fir and beech trees and its high pasture fields showing a splendid ecological richness. Even more, Nordic ski can be practiced during winter in Linza.

Stone houses and streets made of cobblestone will host you in Hecho, main village in the valley with the same name.

We recommend you to drop by Siresa to visit St. Peter’s monastery. A Romanesque building, as many others spread all over the Pyrenees, but this does make the difference. It will certainly blow you away due to its grandeur and simplicity.

While in Siresa, you should not leave prior to wandering the Oza’s forest (Selva de Oza), a massive wood mass formed by beech, fir and pine trees as shelters to numerous endangered species. Visiting it is a fascinating experience in any season.

From Selva de Oza climbing activities and excursions are available for tourists of all ages. Among others, the ravine known as ‘Boca del Infierno’, the valleys of GuarrinzaAguas Tuertas, with its 5,000 years old megalithic site, or the lake ‘ibón de Estanés’, with cold blue water.

So, make please yourself home at the Western Valleys Natural Park, embracing the municipalities in the valleys of Hecho, Ansó, Aragües del Puerto with its Nordic ski tracks of Lizara, and Borau, where you cannot miss the charming Romanesque church-monastery of San Adrián de Sasabe.

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