Ordesa valley

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Ordesa valley is the most visited landmark in the National Park, apart from one of the first environmentally protected spaces in Europe. The real heart of the Pyrenees, it is acknowledged as World Heritage and treasures of invaluable biodiversity.

Ordesa (4) Mirador de Ordesa Gradas de Soaso (1) Senderismo_Naturaleza_Ordesa Faja de las Flores – Valle de Ordesa – Huesca1 Las flores ordesa Paseando por Ordesa Ordesa (4) Ordesa (3) Ordesa (5) Ordesa_11 Ordesa_07

16th of August 1918 the bottom part of the valley was declared National Park, as a way to guarantee the preservation of 2,066 hectares in a vivacious landscape far in the boundaries of the legendary Sobrarbe region, in the heart of the Pyrenees.

In 1982 the Park was reclassified to add Añisclo canyon, Escuaín gorges, Pineta mountain circus and Monte Perdido massif, reaching 15,608 hectares. Trekking routes along this exceptional natural space are numerous. We suggest you the two classic ones:

Through Ordesa towards the Horse Tail

Day-trip to Horse Tail, an amazing waterfall located at the end of Ordesa valley, is a classic. It contains nearly every scenery elements in a mountain: green fields, thick forests, white-water rivers and a wild environment. The accessibility makes it available for everyone.

Getting to the beginning of Horse Tail from Ordesa meadow will take you about two hours (coming down is a little shorter). The route runs along thick forests and beautiful water falls formed by Arazas river, like Arripas waterfall and Soaso rocky walls. Right above the glacier circus ‘Cilindro, Monte Perdido and Pico Añisclo’ peaks stand proud.

Ordesa green field has a regulated parking excluded during summer and at Easter. On those dates, a bus service is available from Torla every 15 or 20 minutes.

From Torla to Ordesa meadow through Turieto Bajo

Another pretty route is the old way between Torla and Ordesa. Taking a promenade there means discovering that the natural deployment of the valley starts pretty closer than in the meadows and, no doubt about it, it also implies choosing the best alternative to arrive off the road, distressed. El recorrido, sencillo y umbroso, te llevará unas tres horas.

In Torla Visitors’ Centre, open all year round, you’ll be informed about this and many other trekking routes in Ordesa valley, matching your level.


Basic info

  • Opening period: all year round
  • Price: free entry
  • Car park: regulated in high season
  • Phone: 974 48 64 72 (Torla visitors' centre)
  • Email: ordesa@aragon.es

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