Drum and bass drum’s route

Drum and bass drum’s route

At Easter, a deafening sound breaks the silence in ‘Bajo Aragón’
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Hundreds of drums and bass drums shake in one voice in one of the most thrilling and amazing moments during Easter in ‘Bajo Aragón’: ‘rompida de la hora’ or the moment when the time is broken. Come and live Christ’s Passion at any of Teruel’s villages forming part of this Route.

SemanaSantaBajoAragón-Híjar (18)

Drums and bass drums take life in the hands of different generations linked by a passion. It is ‘Romper la hora’, which commemorates, depending on each village, on Good Thursday or Good Friday.

The earth trembles by Jesus’ death. The dry sound shakes in the hearts of those looking or playing, by tradition or devotion. A unique and unspeakable experience.

A thrilling sound that makes each ‘rompida de la hora’ to be unique can be Heard in Albalate del Arzobispo, Alcorisa, Andorra, Híjar, Puebla de Híjar, Samper de Calanda, and Urrea de Gaén at Good Thursday midnight, and in Calanda at Good Friday midday.

In Alcañiz no bass drums or ‘rompidas’ are shown, but you will be seduced by a wrapping silence accompanied by drums. a deep silence accompanied by drums.

‘Bajo Aragón’ is dyed in blue, purple and black in their Easter dresses (robes and caps) (‘túnicas and terceroles’). Everyone at once, but with its own charm. For their respective inhabitants, Easter in their own village is the only one, although all of them are declared Celebrations with Nationwide Touristic Interest.

In Híjar a Museum devoted to the Route is opened to the public, located on the 2nd floor in Bajo Martín County’s Government.


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