Posets-Maladeta Natural Park

Posets-Maladeta Natural Park

In the eastern part of Aragonese Pyrenees, at the beginning of Chistau, Benasque and Barrabés valleys, lies the Natural Park which represents high mountain pureness and endurance at their best.
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The highest peaks in the Park, Aneto (3.404 m) and Posets or Llardana (3.369 m), are the highest ones in Aragón and the Pyrenees. Along with Pico Maldito, Maladeta and Perdiguero, form a heaven-on earth location for climbing enthusiasts.

Aneto Forau de Aiguallut Plan de Aiguallut

In this park, you are going to have the privilege of watching more than one hundred ‘ibons’ or blue water mountain lakes, as well as impressive waterfalls and a bunch of permanent ice caps.

Nowadays, the last glacier ice caps in the Pyrenees are protected as Natural Monuments, being the most southern permanent glaciers in Europe.

The Park includes the municipalities Gistaín, San Juan de Plan, Sahún, Benasque and Montanuy, and offers infinite options for trekking, climbing, skiing, etc what generates a solid hotels offer, several high mountain shelters and a wide web of signaled paths.

Some of the trekking paths in this Natural Park Posets-Maladeta run along the known as GR-11 long run path. The three shelters route (Estós, Viadós and Ángel Orús), around Posets, lets you watch all the slopes of this colossus. We particularly recommend you a family-friendly route leading you to the waterfall ‘Forau d’Aigüalluts’.


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