

A living Middle age museum, the time when it reached its top.
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Watched by the remains of an ancient castle, Daroca stands up, one of the most beautiful towns in Aragón. Out of question, one of the charms in it is walking along the town walls, with its impressive towers and then going on up to the castle, where a delightful sightseeing can be seen.

Daroca – Archivo Prames Retablo de la Iglesia de San Miguel RUTA 1 – Daroca -011 RUTA 1 – Daroca -002 RUTA 1 – Daroca -008 RUTA 1 – Daroca -009 Daroca – Detalle Puerta del Perdón Colegiata – Andrea Bayo Iglesia de San Miguel – Daroca Fuente de los veinte ca+¦os – Daroca

In the centre of Jiloca river’s valley, in the middle of Iberian mountain range and watched by an ancient castle Daroca stands up, one of the most beautiful towns in Aragón.

Daroca headed first the Christian conquest and, later, as a border territory, was tightly walled. What was the largest town wall in Aragón – more than 4 kilometres long – keeps nowadays marvelous samples like the gates ‘Portal de Valencia’,Puerta Baja’ and ‘Puerta del Arrabal’, which will welcome you.

Undoubtedly, one of the charms in this town is walking around the walls, with the impressive towers, up towards the castle, where a delightful sightseeing to the city can be seen.

From its golden age it keeps a legacy with more than two hundred catalogued buildings. In the heart of the old part the astonishing monastery ‘colegiata de Santa María’ is to be found. In there, ‘Sagrados Corporales‘ (Sacred Christ body) witnessed the miracle that happened in 13th century, when this relic bled mysteriously during an unexpected attack by Muslims. You can also get lost through the Jewish suburb, currently lying in ‘Barrio Nuevo’ (New suburb).

The list of churches is completed by the Romanesque ‘San Miguel’, with extraordinary Gothic colourful wall paintings, and the churches ‘San Juan’ and ‘Santo Domingo de Silos’, which began to be built during 12th century and were finished in 13th century with Mudejar techniques.

Walking along the steep streets you will find, furthermore, nice manor houses like ‘Palacio de los Luna’, the ancient ‘Casa de Canónigos’,Palacio de Gil Bernabé’ and the former ‘’Hospital de Santo Domingo, History and Arts Museum in current days.

By the way, visit please Bakery Museum ‘Manuel Segura’. There is such cuisine tradition in Daroca that, every May, a sweet and cake fair takes place. Other appointments also meet up a large number of visitors, which we recommend to attend, like the Middle Age celebration and Ancient Music Festival. All of them prove Daroca to be medieval-like, one of the most culturally rich in Aragón and, moreover, named in the ‘Cantar del Mio Cid’.


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