Cinco Villas

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In these lands you have got an appointment with History. Knowing its vast cultural and environmental heritage means learning from the past to enjoy our present days.

Sos del Rey Católico 1 (1) Fotografo-zaragoza Fotografo-zaragoza Fotografo-zaragoza Tauste

If you undertake your visit to the beautiful land of ‘Las cinco villas’ (five towns) from Saragosse city, Tauste will be the first one to welcome you. In its town centre stands proud the slim Santa Maria’s church tower, as well as other fortresses along this region.

We should not forget that this region was a border between Muslims and Christians, and later among different Christian kingdoms.

 Ejea de los Caballeros, apart from being an important commercial and services centre, hosts a rich heritage. Let us mention the churches of ‘Santa María’ and ‘El Salvador’, both Romanesque in transition to the gothic style, and the remains of the old Jewish district.

While you are walking down the old town in Sádaba, would you admire the streets maze, the simplicity in its buildings and the beauty in its manor houses. The smart Gothic church of ‘Santa María’ will catch your eye due to its tall and thin tower. On the other side of the river a spectacular medieval fortress-castle is still standing.

Our next stop is Uncastillo, one of the most charming towns in Aragón. Here, turning back to the Middle Age is quite easy, by means of the remains of the castle, the six Romanesque churches and that medieval atmosphere wrapping this town. Santa Maria’s church is one of the best examples of the Aragonese Romanesque style.

Nevertheless, Sos del Rey Católico is one of the most beautiful villages in Aragón. Its charming old town will lead you on from the start. Walk narrow streets of cobblestone to discover the main square ‘Plaza Mayor’, the Market, the City Hall and the Sada Palace, where King Ferdinand Catholic was born.

From Sos del Rey Católico a worthwhile itinerary can be made: ‘Val d’Onsella’ a valley with half a dozen of small and suggesting hamlets such as NavardúnUrriésLobera D’Onsella and Longás, where country life-style comes along with pre-Pyrenees landscape.

Last but not least, we recommend you not leaving this land-museum before visiting the appealing villages of Luesia and Biel, with a perfectly kept Jewish suburb.

And if you wish to dive deeper into this area, walk its paths! You’ve got a lot to pick: from forests in the Pyrenees in the Protected Landscape of ‘Sierra de Santo Domingo’ to the desert plains of the Aragonese ‘Bardenas’. 

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