

Dive into Middle Age and one of the most beautiful towns in Aragón
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Declared Historic Artistic Heritage, the village of Alquézar invites you to step back in time through a relaxing promenade along narrow streets of cobblestones and most emblematic corners.

Fotografo-zaragoza Ruta de las pasarelas (Somontano) Colegiata Alquézar Fotografo-zaragoza Fotografo-zaragoza Fotografo-zaragoza

Houses spread all around below the Muslim-origin, become into monastery after the Christian conquest.

Devoted to Holy Mary, inside the impressive monastery (Colegiata) prints from different artistic movements along the centuries can be admired. Some parts of the town wall remain from 11th century, as well as a ruined squared tower, apart from Tower ‘Albarrana’ and some parts of a Romanesque church integrated in the magnificent 14th century cloister. Pay attention to the beauty capitals and the paintings decorating the cloister walls, from 16th century.

Your visit to the village will be incomplete until reaching the main square (Plaza Mayor), one of the most charming places in this town, or entering ‘Casa Fabián’ as a Ethnologic Museum, located in a typical house in Somontano territory from 17th century.

Come over to the balcony ‘Sonrisa del viento’ (Wind Smile) to enjoy one of the most beautiful paramounts in the area.

Being part of the Natural Park ‘Sierra y Cañones de Guara’ makes Alquézar a perfect destination to enjoy nature by means of adventure sports (trekking, climbing, rafting…) and prehistoric art. If you wish to discover nice corners along Vero Rivera around town, we suggest you walking a family-friendly passageway route (pasarelas de Alquézar).


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What to see near Alquézar

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