

Visiting the mythical capital of Sobrarbe ancient county is knowing one of the most beautiful towns in Aragón
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The village is located where rivers Ara and Cinca come together, under Peña Montañesa gazing. In the old town time seems to have halted during Middle Age, not in vain it is catalogued as Historic-Artistic Heritage.

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The core point in this town is the vaulted main square, ‘Plaza Mayor’, where the García Ximénez Army’s victory over the Saracens, with a Cross as a sign of God’s help, is celebrated every even year’s first Sunday in September. Such recreation is known as ‘La Morisma’.

At the bottom, the Romanesque church ‘Santa María’ stands still, considered one of the best Romanesque examples in northern Aragón. Don’t miss the nice cloister, where Romanesque and Gothic get together.

Keep on wandering around castle’s remains. In this beautiful scenario is held, on each summer basis, the International Festival of Music ‘Aínsa Castle’. Make your visit complete by visiting the Fauna Ecomuseum of the Pyrenees, located at the castle’s Homage tower.

Trekking and nature enthusiasts can walk along the route from l’Aínsa and Boltaña.



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