
Prehistoric art in Aragón

Would you like to know the prehistoric paintings in Aragón? Follow the footprints of our first inhabitants and live the adventure of discovering their legacy
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Prehistoric artists dwelled our country and left printed their works in hidden places, remaining intact for thousands of years. You will watch so many jewels from these first artistic expressions in the middle of nature, in the same location where they were created.

Arte rupestre_Somontano (3) OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Arte rupestre_Somontano (2) Arte rupestre_Beceite

Where can you see them?

Our prehistoric paintings are concentrated in four out of the six Cultural Parks of Aragón: River Vero, Maestrazgo, Albarracín and Río Martín.

The access to the caves and shelters where they are kept is normally the most unexpected present, as they can only be reached through paths surrounded by spectacular landscapes.

Because of being so exceptional, ‘East paintings’ preserved in Aragón were declared World Heritage by Unesco in 1998. In 2010, the Council of Europe’s Director Committee for Culture granted them the prize of ‘Council of Europe’s Cultural Itinerary’, under the title of 'Paths of Prehistoric Art'.