Typical Sweets

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There are uncountable local specialties where respect for tradition and culinary imagination meet together to create really genuine delights. Let us mention some of them, and bon appetit!

Dulces. Guirlache Dulces Dulces. Roscón

Bakery from Huesca and the Pyrenees clearly outstands. Among many specialties you will find, some need remarking such as la ‘coca’ from Fraga, la ‘trenza’ from Almudévar, the ‘mazapán chestnuts’ and the ‘Russian cake’ from Huesca, the ‘lacitos’ and the ‘jaqueses’ from Jaca, the ‘tortas’ from Ayerbe and the ‘chesitas’ from the valley of Hecho.

In Teruel, tasty bakery is waiting for you, such as the ‘Suspiros de Amante’, the ‘pastas’ from the Maestrazgo (soul cakes or ‘tortas del alma’, almond-like cakes, ‘mantecados’ or butter-like cakes), the Calvary little stones or ‘piedrecicas’ from Alcorisa and the ‘almojábanas’ from Albarracín.

And you should not leave from Saragosse before tasting the ‘guirlache’ the cobblestones sweet or ‘adqoquines’ from El Pilar, the Aragon Fruits or the ‘tortas de balsa’ from Caspe.

Take please into account the, although many of these products come from a specific area, are sold all over Aragón as well, particularly in Saragosse.

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