Guara Ranging Mountains

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Sierra de Guara is the largest protected natural space in Aragón. The ravines, located in spectacularly beautiful spots with wild nature, are a real Paradise for adventure sports enthusiasts.

Barrancos Sierra Guara Descenso de Barrancos Sierra de Guara (Huesca) baja Senderismo_En familia_RutaPasarelasAlquézar (2) Barranco de Mascún Delfín de Rodellar Salto de Bierge Puente sobre el río Alcanadre (Rodellar) Sierra de Balcés Bierge Alquézar Ruta de las pasarelas de Alquézar Abrigos de arte rupestre Barranco de la Peonera

Their ravines attract thousands of sport tourism fans year after year, but also trekkers and wildlife lovers. Several adventure sports businesses can guide you in your rafting or about any other activity.  

With more than 80,000 hectares, it includes the municipalities of Abiego, Adahuesca, Aínsa-Sobrarbe, Alquézar, Arguis, Bárcabo, Bierge, Boltaña, Caldearenas, Casbas de Huesca, Colungo, Huesca, Loporzano, Nueno and Sabiñánigo.

Throughout a complete web of paths you will know deeply the heritage in this territory. Two classic routes are those reaching Tozal de Guara (2,077 m) and the path to St. Martin shrine in Val d’ Onsera.

The whole area shows a distinguishing beauty and allurement in the landscapes, due to a complex geological structure and the erosion processes linked to the hydrographic web.

Deep and narrow lime gorges run across by rivers like Flumen, Guatizalema, Vero, Mascún and Alcanadre; rocky hills (‘mallos’) such as Vadiello and ‘Salto de Roldán’. Ravines, caves and valleys form an impressive natural architecture. There is also a varied indigenous wildlife, in which raptors outstand, making it all one of the most important birds natural reserves in Europe.

In addition, River Vero Cultural Park should be included, along with nearby hills and canyons in Guara Natural Park. Their numerous shelters with prehistoric paintings have been declared World Heritage by UNESCO.


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