

Enjoy the palaces, fountains and churches dating back from the Renaissance
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Holiday destination for Lérida’s bishops in 16th century, Fonz became a little summer court during the Renaissance, what has left as legacy a bunch of manor houses around the main square (Plaza Mayor), declared in itself Historic-Artistic Heritage.

Fonz 1 (2) Fonz – Fachada del Palacio de Valdeolivos Fonz – Fuente renacentista (1) Fonz – Interio palacio de Valdeolivos (2) Stitched Panorama Fonz – Retablo gótico(3)

Fonz ia a great monumental village and one of the best samples of Renaissance in Aragón. A splendid 18th century church must be added to several elegant houses and palaces, as well as numerous corners, witnesses to a magnificent past.

The bishop Palace is particularly remarkable, hosting the Centre for Interpretation of Renaissance, and ‘Barones de Valdeolivos’ Palace, one of the great monumental jewels in this town. It belonged to Ric’s family and was built in Aragonese-like Renaissance style at the beginning of 18th century. The inside is plenty of History and it can be visited on a weekend basis.

The main square, a landmark by itself, has been declared Historic-Artistic Heritage, sheltering a Renaissance building as City Hall and the magnificent six-spout fountain (Fuente de los 6 caños), made of Stone and from 16th century. Another landmark in Fonz is the high number of water-related constructions.


Basic info

  • Guided tours: 679 197 633 (guide)
  • Phone: 974 41 20 01 (Town Council)

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