

Proud of its heritage and millennial history, Huesca looks at present times under a modern scope.
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It is the best place for promenades, slow living and kind people. Walk along the old town as much as you can and don’t miss the gothic cathedral and ‘San Pedro el Viejo’ church and Romanesque cloister, one of the best examples of Romanesque in Aragón.

Huesca – Catedral Huesca – RETABLO CATEDRAL Huesca – planetario-huesca Huesca – CDAN OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA
First stop in your promenade might be the gothic cathedral, built on a former Muslim mosque. Pay attention to the smart altarpiece by Damián Forment. Opposite to it lies the City Hall, a Renaissance Aragonese palace from 16th century. Next door, the Provincial Museum can be visited.
Walk along the old town as much as you can. Before leaving it, ‘San Pedro el Viejo’ church and cloister are a must. This is one of the most important examples of Romanesque art in Aragón. ‘San Bartolomé’ chapel, in the cloister, is a royal pantheon as well.
Don’t leave either before taking a walk ‘Miguel Servet’ Park, located in the heart of the city. Walk along Coso street and admire the Modernist Casino; come over the Muslim city wall remains and, finally, get on your feet again having some snacks at the ‘tapas’ area or taste Huesca’s famous bakery. It is so hard to avoid marzipan chestnuts!
Around 10th of August, Huesca dresses in white and green for ‘San Lorenzo’ festivity, declared of Touristic Interest. Days of unstoppable joy on the streets, traditional celebrations and expected meetings.
A few miles from the capital, heading off Pamplona, lies the Art and Nature Centre (CDAN). Designed by architect Rafael Moneo, CDAN is conceived as a referential place for research and creativity in contemporary art.

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